Archive for May 8th, 2010


UK Chinese students interview-study&culture

May 8, 2010

For most Chinese students in the UK, how to improve their English and adapt to British teaching model are the most urgent task. How to deal with ‘cultural shock’ and get involved in the society is another big challenge for these young Chinese people. To study abroad, you have to mind the “gap” of different language and different culture. Watch this interview and to see what are the difficulties for Chinese students in in terms of academic and cultural aspects.


Overseas student’s family interview

May 8, 2010

It is a big decision for a family decided to send their only one child to study abroad. Expecting their child to become successful  is an eager expectation for every parent. Fiona Wang, studying in the City University, invited her parent to visit her during the Easter holiday. I interviewed her father and found out his opinion about his daughter’s overseas study experience.

Sorry about the noisy background:)